Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ranger Maddie

Today was a red letter day for Maddie! Brian took the day off from work so they could go to Saratoga Spa State Park and help with fish stocking. In the end there were so many people she only got to stock 1 fish! Both of them still had a great time though and have plans to go back next year. However they have to be there earlier Brian says! While that wouldn't have mattered as far as the amount of fish to stock it would've shortened the wait time considerably. 45 minutes to wait for 1 fish!

Heading out with lots of hot chocolate!

In the evening we went to help another 4H club with cloverbuds make nature journals. That was a lot of fun because they were very enthusiastic and the parents were all hands on helping and paying attention to their kids not their phones! 

When their journals were done Maddie passed out a color hunt from Mud Puddles to Meteors and took the kids on a nature walk around the nature trail in the park. I had told her we were going to do this but I don't think she fully realized what that meant until we all looked at her and said "Lead the way!". Her eyes lit up and off we went. 

Here she is teaching the kids an easy trick to identify a white pine.
Want to know the white pine trick? WHITE=5 letters if the bunch of needles has 5 in it then it is a white pine! Pretty neat, isn't it? 

That was a long, fun, and happy day for Maddie Grace! Today its back to the schoolwork.

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