Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mabee Farm Fall Foliage the snow!

This morning we helped at the 4H table at the Mabee Farm Historic Site. It was supposed to be the Fall Foliage Festival but during the morning this appeared!

Yup, that would be snow!

Snow was flying by out on the river

I didn't envy the colonial reenactment guys down by the river with their boats at all. We were pretty chilly where we were but they must've been freezing at that point! 

Maddie worked at the 4H table in the morning. She talked to a couple of people about 4H and showed how to make (in theory!) felt marbles from wool roving.We also showed how the roving was easy to break until it was twisted. It ended up just too cold for sticking fingers in water and rolling wool about so we ended up getting out the rocket kits. Maddie enjoyed it and our time went quickly by because there were several people there.

After that we walked around and saw the sheep dogs herding ducks, owls, bought some potatoes, checked out the knitting/wool lady dying yarn using natural materials and just walked about trying to warm up! 

yarn dying!

Owl photos by Maddie with Momma's camera

Then it was home to get warm and finish chores!

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