Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fair Judging Day!!

So today was the big day! Maddie finally gets to participate at the fair as a Junior Superintendent in the 4H building. She is so excited! On Wednesday she went for training and also helped paint. I am not sure which had more paint in the end, the wall or Maddie! She came home and headed straight for the shower! Today she worked with the photography judge by helping to keep track of what was being entered and running things back and forth to the table.

Then we had some lunch and Maddie made the rounds with her projects. First she dropped off her bread. This was a relief since I was lugging it around all morning for fear of leaving it in the hot car.

She won a blue ribbon! The only critique the judge had was to double check the spelling on her recipe. Whoops! Well, at least the bread was good. 

Then we moved on to the Forestry section to hand in her Tree Identification Notebook. The judge was very impressed with it and took the time to look at every page. 

That was another blue ribbon! 

Then we stood in line for the photography judge...and stood there....and stood there because the girls in front of Maddie had about 30 photos and 15 photos respectively. So I took over and stood in line while Maddie popped over to the Achievement book table. 
Another blue ribbon!

We waited some more and finally Maddie had her turn. They discussed her photos and all 5 received blue ribbons. 

The last project was a bag made from an old t-shirt. Maddie made it with our club. You cut off the arms and the bottom then cut slits up the bottom of the bag and tie it off with a double knot. 
And that was the last and final blue ribbon!

A couple of the kids came in the morning and helped us set up our club display about Rockets to the Rescue! I love that the kids actually did everything for the display. It was their idea, they made the posters and they hung it up! Awesome! Fingers crossed for another blue ribbon here! We will find out on Friday when we head back up.

It was a long hot day but well worth it! Maddie loved the new experience and can't wait to get back on Friday and do another shift as a Junior Superintendent! 

1 comment:

  1. Great job!!!!!! to the Westervelts!!!!!!

    Love you guys,
